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Environmental Assessments / Environmental Impact Statements

This table lists projects that, per NEPA regulations, require FRA to pursue an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).  This table can be sorted by state, status, and NEPA class of action. Each project entry links to its dedicated project page, where the project’s NEPA documentation can be located. 

* For more information about the NEPA Assignment status in the table, read the State of California approved NEPA Assignment MOU.


Approved FRA Categorical Exclusions

Categorical Exclusions (CE)s are actions that meet the definition contained in 40 CFR 1508.4, and, based on FRA's experience typically do not involve significant environmental impacts. FRA has compiled a list of the CEs approved since December 2015 (passage of the FAST Act). The table includes the following information for each project and can be sorted by: name, state, funding program, CE(s) applied, start date and end date. The table will be updated quarterly.