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NEC Facts and Figures

The Northeast Region:

Pie Chart Graphic of NEC statistics
  • Is home to 51 million people (1 in 7 Americans) and is expected to grow to approximately 58 million by 2040
  • Includes four of the 10 largest metropolitan areas in the United States
  • Is the world’s fifth largest economy
  • Contributes 30 percent of all jobs in the United States
  • Generates 20 percent of the nation's Gross Domestic Product

The Northeast Corridor is heavily traveled:

  • 2,200 passenger trains use the NEC daily View Train Animation
  • 750,000+ people ride along some part of the corridor each day
  • 70 freight trains use the NEC daily (moving over 350,000 car-loads of freight per year)

The NEC is 457 miles long and has:

  • 17 tunnels
  • 1,186 bridges

The current NEC took nearly a century to build. It was built by several railroad companies between 1830 and 1917.

Percentage of Route Miles by Construction Type - Washington, D.C., to Boston, MA

Construction Type Existing NEC
Tunnel 2%
Trench 1%
At Grade 56%
Embankment 36%
Aerial 3%
Major bridge 2%

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